Pajama pants from Easy-to-sew Simplicity Pattern

 Easy to Sew  Simplicity 8389

Using for Pajama pants

Making baggy leg pants to go with Baggy Top

I have this nice soft knit with bicycles on it.  I made the top for the Pajamas by cutting accross the fabric folded over long enough to be the front where I wanted it and that was the front and back... held it up to be the right length and folded the two pieces over making a slanted mark for the shoulders and then a scoop for the neckline slightly for the back piece and a little lower for the front.  This way when I hold  it up I know the front has a lower neckline than the back.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

                                                                                                                 I took a rectangular piece all the way accross the fabric that is left and folded it over and made it the length of this cut out scoop all the way around and then sewed it together on the ends.   This was the center back of the droopover neckline of the pajama top.

Hem sleeves where you want them, Hem bottom of shirt all the way around.....DONE


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